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Reasons to study business chemistry

The bachelor/master programme in business chemistry in Düsseldorf offers a unique combination of scientific knowledge and an economic education. In seven semesters, students acquire a first degree that qualifies them for a profession and are thus already very well prepared for a career start both in the business management sector and in the chemical industry.

Due to their analytical way of thinking and their abilities, graduates of the study course business chemistry are in great demand in the chemical industry as well as in related branches. By combining the two subjects, students of the study course business chemistry develop the competence of transfer thinking and gain a very good understanding of two different worlds.  The combination and integration of the chemical and the business administration ways of thinking and working is a clear unique selling point. Since companies have a very diverse need for employees with management expertise who have a scientific background, graduates of the study course business chemistry enjoy very good career prospects.

You can get a brief insight into the studies in the video of the study programme business chemistry.

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